Posts in workmoreorless
Hasbro Pulse : Razor Crest

Fans of The Mandalorian on Disney+ will recognize that the iconic Razor Crest is the ship that Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) relies on to get him across the galaxy. It has become yet another iconic space ship familiar within the Star Wars universe. Hasbro and Lucasfilm teamed up to make this ship available as a toy via HasLab. The Star Wars The Vintage Collection Razor Crest, was the second HasLab Star Wars project crowdfunded by fans.

Inspired by the project, I created this toy photo as a way to share my excitement about being a backer of the Razor Crest. I wondered how Mando and the Child would pass the time if they too were waiting on it to arrive. As I built my own ships out of boxes as a child, I figured they might too build their own ship out of a Hasbro Pulse cardboard box.

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